Sweet Hello Sign

We are working on spicing up our boy's room and I think this sign would make a lovely addition. We've just bought a great painting of a rooster & chicken from Harrington's Galleries and a new comforter from IKEA. I still want to paint a stripe over the stencils and hang up some paper pom-pom things that my pal Vida kindly gave us. Progress is slow, but we'll get there :) The plan is for lots of reds, turquoises, and whites. I'll post photos soon, but you can click here is the "before" photo.

We'll hang the painting we bought, and a bunch of fabric-covered cardboard letters on the wall! He already knows A and Q and we're excited for him to learn the other 24 letters! In addition to the painting and the letters, I'd love to get this sign, from William Dohman's Etsy shop! As long as it's not too heavy to hang on the wall (we have to think about earthquakes out here, folks!), this sign would be a perfect addition to our son's room.