Elderberry Gummies

I was recently checking out the kid gummies/vitamin section at the market and was bummed out to find that there weren't any that didn't have sugar (in one form or another). I remember Amanda has made elderberry gummies before, so I decided to pick her brain... her version uses some ingredients I didn't have so I did a search on this computer and found a great one that I could modify slightly. These are sweet little treats- they're not super chewy like other gummies, but have more of a jello-like consistency. These little bits are packed with sweetness and goodness- great for flus and colds, but also just good for the body and keeping the immune system pumping. The gelatin is a pure collagen protein and the raw honey is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. Super great all around, y'all. Get on it :) 

I made the elderberry syrup first using this recipe. 
Here's the recipe for the gummies:
• 1 cup elderberry syrup (not super cold! it'll make the gelatin clump. but you don't want it super hot because the honey won't be raw anymore)
• ½ cup hot water (not boiling)
• ¼ cup Gelatin powder (I use this one)
• 1 teaspoon of raw honey (local is always better)
• silicone molds (if you don’t use silicone, use 1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil for greasing pan)
1. Grease with coconut oil to prevent sticking if you're not using silicone.
2. Mix hot water and gelatin and quickly whisk together.
3. Add the elderberry syrup slowly and stir or whisk until completely smooth.
4. Pour in molds and put in fridge for 2 hours or until completely firm.
5. Pop out of molds and store in air tight container with parchment paper between layers.
6. Take daily for fun or as needed to avoid flu. or you can take every few hours to help beat the flu faster.
7. Will last up to a week in the fridge in an air tight container.

Camping Birthday Party

He's two. I didn't really want to have a party to celebrate him getting older because I don't want him to get older. I kinda want him to be small and snuggly forever. Try as I might, I have no control over the aging baby, so I'll savor the snuggles while they last. Last fall we booked a cabin at Steep Ravine and decided to invite my parents and brother over for the afternoon to celebrate our little one's birthday. It was a no-fuss party, just love and happiness :) My stepdad made breakfast burritos and my sis-in-law-to-be made a smoked salmon quiche. Amanda made his crown. I didn't really make anything, but I did take some photos...

(We've been to Steep Ravine before... this was our favorite trip and then this time Gardenista used my photos) 

Updating Kid Pics

Way back when my first son was born, I made the lofty goal of posting one photo per day in our Daily Kid Pic album. It was a good run, lasting well over a year, but I've posted fewer and fewer photos as the years have gone by. Although it's not daily anymore, it's still a pretty sweet little archive of our boys. And it was one of the biggest contributors to my growth as a photographer. If you photograph the same subject everyday you will also see better results. You'll start to be more aware of the background, lighting, and placement of your subject. When I was posting everyday, it was tough to just choose one photo for the day. You really have to look at your photos and figure out what you like about certain ones. Looking at your photos is a unique challenge in these times of iPhonography, right?! We take tons, but rarely take the time to examine what we've taken. 

I had some extra time this morning (thanks Mom & Tom for watching the kids!!) so I updated our Flickr site this morning. Have you ever done a photo challenge? What have you learned?