Elderberry Gummies

I was recently checking out the kid gummies/vitamin section at the market and was bummed out to find that there weren't any that didn't have sugar (in one form or another). I remember Amanda has made elderberry gummies before, so I decided to pick her brain... her version uses some ingredients I didn't have so I did a search on this computer and found a great one that I could modify slightly. These are sweet little treats- they're not super chewy like other gummies, but have more of a jello-like consistency. These little bits are packed with sweetness and goodness- great for flus and colds, but also just good for the body and keeping the immune system pumping. The gelatin is a pure collagen protein and the raw honey is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. Super great all around, y'all. Get on it :) 

I made the elderberry syrup first using this recipe. 
Here's the recipe for the gummies:
• 1 cup elderberry syrup (not super cold! it'll make the gelatin clump. but you don't want it super hot because the honey won't be raw anymore)
• ½ cup hot water (not boiling)
• ¼ cup Gelatin powder (I use this one)
• 1 teaspoon of raw honey (local is always better)
• silicone molds (if you don’t use silicone, use 1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil for greasing pan)
1. Grease with coconut oil to prevent sticking if you're not using silicone.
2. Mix hot water and gelatin and quickly whisk together.
3. Add the elderberry syrup slowly and stir or whisk until completely smooth.
4. Pour in molds and put in fridge for 2 hours or until completely firm.
5. Pop out of molds and store in air tight container with parchment paper between layers.
6. Take daily for fun or as needed to avoid flu. or you can take every few hours to help beat the flu faster.
7. Will last up to a week in the fridge in an air tight container.

Fermentation Workshop

A few weeks ago, I drove into the mountains and spent the day with Dr. John Hicks and his wife, Betsy Hicks, in their home, learning about fermentation! It was amazing! I'm pretty new to fermentation, but was so fascinating! We started with a snack buffet filled with yummy foods, all prepared without dairy and tons of fermented goodess. Next we learned how to make flavoured kefir sodas, beet kvass (and our new favorite: beet kvass mixed with pomegranate kefir! yum!!). After the bubbly drinks, we snacked on fermented veggies... carrots, pickles, radishes, green beans, asparagus, etc. After snacking all morning, we had a wonderful lunch of beef brisket, quinoa salad, and curried chick peas. During lunch, Dr. Hicks did a kim chi demo. Everything was so delicious. A dessert was a dairy & sugar free pot-de-creme... heck, I'm just going to call it chocolate pudding with strawberries, because pot-de-creme sounds too fancy :) 

I love this article Betsy wrote about fermentation, "The Cultured Life."

The last picture is my first attempt at fermented veggies! Please share any tips, tricks, or websites if you've done this before!

OH! And they have a healing foods workshop coming up in April. Call them today if you're interested, it's almost sold-out :) My step-dad and I are going and hope to see you there. 

Easy Lemon Crepes

LEMON CREPES yields a lot because I doubled the recipe. This batch fed 2 grown men, 1 pregnant mama, and a hungry 4 year old boy (and we have two leftover!)

I love this recipe! It was so easy (and if I think it's easy...). I have always been intimidated by making crepes (I usually ask my pal Amanda to make them- she's a pro), but these turned out great and I didn't need any special crepe tools to do it (no fancy crepe pan or fancy spatula). Here's what I did:

  • 2 cups almond milk (made my own based on the My New Roots recipe)
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 2 cups flour (we used organic all purpose)
  • 4 tablespoons coconut palm sugar (low glycemic and not as sweet)
  • 1/2 teaspon salt
  • liberal sprinkles of cinnamon
  • butter for pan
  • a few lemons for squeezing (got ours from our tree)


  • Blend the milk, eggs, and vanilla together. Add the flour, sugar, salt, and cinnamon on top of the liquid ingredients. Blend until all smooth. 
  • I just used our 2 skillets (no fancy crepe pan or fancy spatula). Medium heat. Add a bit of butter once heated. Pour about 1/3 cup of the batter in the hot skillet. Cook for 2 or until bottom is lightly browned. 
  • Fold the crepe in half, then fold in half again; transfer to a plate. Squeeze a bit of lemon and enjoy!!
  • Our son preferred his with plain yogurt (full fat, goat's milk yogurt) instead of lemon. He was a member of the Clean Plate Club (see photo below)

My Favorite Granola

I got this recipe from Amanda who got it from Emily. I have no idea where Emily got it, but it's amazing.

3cups rolled oats
1cup chopped pecans (you could use any nut i guess, but pecan rocks)
1cup whole wheat PASTRY flour (this is the binder...KEY ingredient!)
pinch of sea salt
1+ tsp cinnamon
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2/3 cup maple syrup (use grade B!)
2tsp vanilla extract

mix all ingredients
spread on lightly oiled cookie sheet
bake at 325 for 30-35min, turning halfway through (it'll still seem soft-ish, but the cooling down will harden it nicely).