Happy Sunday

I hope the weather is as nice where you are as it is here. We spent the morning at the park and it was awesome! Yesterday I did a photo shoot in San Francisco with super-girl, Anne Sage, of Rue Magazine & City Sage. Our work will be on her blog tomorrow. In the meantime, here's a little photo I took at her place and a few favorite things I've come across recently on these here internets. 

I got a new bike, which is the prettiest bike in all the land. 

My OUTSIDE pinboard on Pinterest. We've started making plans for our yard, which is really super exciting!

I recently started acupuncture (at Lokahi) and a new yoga studio (at Los Gatos Yoga Center) and am LOVING both!

I love these cool moms with mega style on The Glow and my current fave company for kid clothes is KIDCASE.