It’s about time I start updating this site more frequently. My hope is to share my current projects, new ventures, and my occasional great idea! I’d also love feedback if you’d like to contribute. I’ll start by talking about a new shop in Athens called Nourish. Check out their blog at It’s located at 1377 Prince Avenue in Normaltown. Lynn Louise Larson ( gathered up local and national independent designers to feature in her shop.
Nourish sells a variety of well-crafted items such as jewelry, clothing, pottery, and handbags. I’m honored to be a part of the group and have introduced a new line of cards for the occasion! I’m using my vintage stamps in collaboration with bright envelopes and sweet blank cards. The amount on the stamps is enough to get you through the May postal rate change! You can also purchase a set of 6 notecards with vintage stamps at my Etsy shop